Constitution and Bylaws
Our membership approved the proposed amendments to the FLAGS Consitution and Bylaws in Spring of 2009.
The file to the right contains the current, membership-approved versions of both of these documents. |
Meet the Board

President, Advocacy Chair and Webmaster: Nicole Naditz: [email protected]
Nicole taught French to grades 3 through 12, including AP French Language from 1993 through 2017. Nicole is very active in professional organizations. Winner of the 2010 Jane Ortner Educating through Music Award and the 2011-2012 San Juan Teacher of the Year, she also serves as webmaster and advocacy chair on the FLAGS board. She serves on the Leadership Team of the Capital World Language Project and she served on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages interview committees for the first National Foreign Language Teacher of the Year in 2005 and for the Florence Steiner Leadership in K-12 Education Award in 2007.
Nicole was invited to join the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Subject Matter Advisory Panel for Languages Other than English in 2004. She is the founder of the Read Around the World Program and organizes numerous additional opportunities for students to experience languages and cultures outside of the classroom. She has presented on a variety of topics at local and state workshops since 1999, and has been a keynote speaker since 2015. She has also received several grants for study in France and Canada.
She was named an Outstanding Teacher by both the Foreign Language Association of Greater Sacramento and the California Language Teachers' Association and was a finalist for the California League of High Schools Educator of the Year in Region 3. In addition, Nicole achieved National Board Certification in 2003 and earned her M.Ed in 2006. In 2012, she was named San Juan USD Teacher of the Year, Sacramento County Teacher of the Year and was one of 12 finalists for California State Teacher of the Year. That same year, she also became a Google Certified Teacher. In fall of 2013, CLTA selected Nicole to represent California as a candidate for Southwest Conference on Language Teaching's Teacher of the Year. In April, 2014, she was named SWCOLT Teacher of the Year and became a finalist for National Language Teacher of the Year (ACTFL). At the national conference in November of 2014, she was named ACTFL National Teacher of the Year, 2015. In 2021, she was named ACSA Region 3's Curriculum Administrator of the Year.
In 2016, she was named a PBS LearningMedia Digital Innovator (local) and also appointed to a four-year term on the California Department of Education's Instructional Quality Commission.
She is currently the Program Specialist for World Languages and Instructional Technology (a curriculum administrator) for San Juan Unified School District. She has been a member of the FLAGS board since 2001. In her spare time, she enjoys figure skating, calligraphy, singing, crocheting, musical theater and travel.
Nicole taught French to grades 3 through 12, including AP French Language from 1993 through 2017. Nicole is very active in professional organizations. Winner of the 2010 Jane Ortner Educating through Music Award and the 2011-2012 San Juan Teacher of the Year, she also serves as webmaster and advocacy chair on the FLAGS board. She serves on the Leadership Team of the Capital World Language Project and she served on the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages interview committees for the first National Foreign Language Teacher of the Year in 2005 and for the Florence Steiner Leadership in K-12 Education Award in 2007.
Nicole was invited to join the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing Subject Matter Advisory Panel for Languages Other than English in 2004. She is the founder of the Read Around the World Program and organizes numerous additional opportunities for students to experience languages and cultures outside of the classroom. She has presented on a variety of topics at local and state workshops since 1999, and has been a keynote speaker since 2015. She has also received several grants for study in France and Canada.
She was named an Outstanding Teacher by both the Foreign Language Association of Greater Sacramento and the California Language Teachers' Association and was a finalist for the California League of High Schools Educator of the Year in Region 3. In addition, Nicole achieved National Board Certification in 2003 and earned her M.Ed in 2006. In 2012, she was named San Juan USD Teacher of the Year, Sacramento County Teacher of the Year and was one of 12 finalists for California State Teacher of the Year. That same year, she also became a Google Certified Teacher. In fall of 2013, CLTA selected Nicole to represent California as a candidate for Southwest Conference on Language Teaching's Teacher of the Year. In April, 2014, she was named SWCOLT Teacher of the Year and became a finalist for National Language Teacher of the Year (ACTFL). At the national conference in November of 2014, she was named ACTFL National Teacher of the Year, 2015. In 2021, she was named ACSA Region 3's Curriculum Administrator of the Year.
In 2016, she was named a PBS LearningMedia Digital Innovator (local) and also appointed to a four-year term on the California Department of Education's Instructional Quality Commission.
She is currently the Program Specialist for World Languages and Instructional Technology (a curriculum administrator) for San Juan Unified School District. She has been a member of the FLAGS board since 2001. In her spare time, she enjoys figure skating, calligraphy, singing, crocheting, musical theater and travel.

Vice President, Awards Chair: Inga Templeton [email protected]
Inga Templeton joined the FLAGS Board in fall 2007. Inga is a native German speaker and received her Abitur in Hamburg, Germany. She graduated from CSU Sacramento with Summa Cum Laude, where she also received her teaching credential. She started teaching in 2003. Her first position was at Mira Loma High School, where she taught German for 10 years in the International Baccalaureate Program. Currently, she teaches all levels of German at C.K. McClatchy High School. She attends numerous professional development trainings at the local, state, and national levels. In 2005, Inga received the FLAGS Outstanding New Teacher award.
Inga Templeton joined the FLAGS Board in fall 2007. Inga is a native German speaker and received her Abitur in Hamburg, Germany. She graduated from CSU Sacramento with Summa Cum Laude, where she also received her teaching credential. She started teaching in 2003. Her first position was at Mira Loma High School, where she taught German for 10 years in the International Baccalaureate Program. Currently, she teaches all levels of German at C.K. McClatchy High School. She attends numerous professional development trainings at the local, state, and national levels. In 2005, Inga received the FLAGS Outstanding New Teacher award.

Membership Chair: Evelyn Bejarano: Evelyn is a retired teacher of Spanish and French who taught grades 7-12 and was also a successful mentor to numerous beginning language teachers. She has been recognized as a FLAGS Outstanding Teacher and is currently also serving on the CLTA Board as the Conference Registrar. Evelyn formerly served on the FLAGS board as the newsletter editor.

Treasurer: Christine Lanphere [email protected] : Member of the state's Curriculum and Supplemental Materials Commission from 2008 to 2010 and the 2007 ACTFL National Language Teacher of the Year, Christine Lanphere has taught French 1-AP Literature at Natomas High School in Sacramento since 1995. She has served as Foreign Language Department Chair and was been a BTSA Support Provider from 2000 to 2006. Christine is the co-director of the Capital World Language Project (CapWLP) and she has presented workshops at the local, state and national levels on a variety of topics. She is active in several professional organizations including FLAGS and CLTA.
Christine has been recognized with several honors. In addition to being the National Language Teacher of the Year, Christine has also been named a Chevalier des Palmes Académiques, an honor bestowed by the French Ministry of Education. In 2003, she was selected as an Outstanding Teacher by FLAGS. In 2004, Christine received a grant from the Quebec government through CLTA which allowed her to study at the Université Laval in Quebec for 5 weeks. In 2005, she was named Outstanding Educator by CLTA and Region 3 Educator of the Year by the California League of High Schools.
Christine served as a member of the Subject Matter Advisory Panel for Languages Other Than English for the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Following the completion of work for LOTE, Christine was asked to continue serving as an advisor to the LOTE-American Sign Language panel. This is an exciting opportunity to help create a new credential for teachers of ASL as a Language Other Than English. Christine has studied at the Université de Paris, has led student trips to Europe since 2000, and has coached the Mock Trial team at Natomas High School since 1996. In her spare time, she enjoys travel and singing.
Christine has been recognized with several honors. In addition to being the National Language Teacher of the Year, Christine has also been named a Chevalier des Palmes Académiques, an honor bestowed by the French Ministry of Education. In 2003, she was selected as an Outstanding Teacher by FLAGS. In 2004, Christine received a grant from the Quebec government through CLTA which allowed her to study at the Université Laval in Quebec for 5 weeks. In 2005, she was named Outstanding Educator by CLTA and Region 3 Educator of the Year by the California League of High Schools.
Christine served as a member of the Subject Matter Advisory Panel for Languages Other Than English for the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing. Following the completion of work for LOTE, Christine was asked to continue serving as an advisor to the LOTE-American Sign Language panel. This is an exciting opportunity to help create a new credential for teachers of ASL as a Language Other Than English. Christine has studied at the Université de Paris, has led student trips to Europe since 2000, and has coached the Mock Trial team at Natomas High School since 1996. In her spare time, she enjoys travel and singing.

Secretary and Historian: Marie Robb [email protected]: Marie earned credentials in both French and English from San Diego State University, but her love is teaching French. She started the French program at Center High School, and has been teaching there for 30 years--so long that now she is teaching her students' children! In 2003, 2009 and 2015, Marie served as the local awards chair for the CLTA conference in Sacramento. Her spare time is devoted to her family, attending musical theatre productions, cheering for the River Cats, the Giants and the 49ers, traveling, and scrapbooking--a hobby that made her a logical choice for Historian, in addition to serving as the organization's Secretary.

Member-at-large: Tanya Zaccone [email protected]: Tanya is currently Executive Director of the California Language Teachers' Association. She taught Spanish for many years, most of those years teaching Spanish 1 through AP at Center High School in Antelope. She has been on the FLAGS and CLTA Board for many years, having served FLAGS as Treasurer, Secretary, President and CLTA Rep. Tanya was named CLHS Educator of the Year for Region 3, Outstanding Alumnus CSUS Arts and Letters, California Foreign Language Teacher of the Year 2004, and achieved National Board certification in 2002. Tanya has presented for FLAGS, CLTA, CLHS, ARC, FLANC, SWCOLT, ACTFL, and other groups, on a wide range of subjects within the teaching profession and is a founding member of the Capital World Language Project's Leadership Team.